Once a well has reached the point where it’s no longer viable, it’s vital that it be closed and sealed appropriately to avoid any future damage to water supply or surrounding areas.

Why use Big Horn Wireline

Big Horn Services offers a wide range of mechanical services to meet the challenges of the industry’s most hostile downhole environments. Many of our techniques and methods are innovative – necessarily so – in order to effectively and safely deal with the extreme pressures and temperatures encountered in today’s market.

Wireline is the most common method for perforating wells, and is achieved by lowering or pumping the perforating guns down-hole and then initiating the sequence via electric line. This provides simple, quick depth control and selectivity along with reduced safety risks of personnel and equipment.


  • Retrievable Tubing Guns
  • TAG Guns
  • Slick Gun
  • BI-Wire Gun
  • Strip Gun

Tubing and Casing Service

  • Cast Iron Bridge Plugs
  • Retrievable Bridge Plugs
  • Composite Bridge Plugs
  • Cement Retainers
  • Magna Range Bridge Plugs
  • Casing Patches

Dump Bailers 

  • Positive Displacement Bailer
  • Gravity Bailer
    • Sand
    • Cement
    • Acid

Junk Basket

  • All sizes

Hoist Service

  • Gyros
  • Camera
  • Tractors